Blog: Five questions to ask a marketing company BEFORE you hire them

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Five questions to ask a marketing company BEFORE you hire them

So, you’re thinking about hiring a marketing company? There are five questions that you should always ask BEFORE you decide to hire them.

Question 1: Can you guarantee your results?

A good marketing company should always be able to stand behind their results. Look for a company that’s proud of the results they’ve gained for their clients. They should be happy to send you case studies, testimonials and let you speak to their clients.

Question 2: What happens if it doesn’t work?

Similar to the first question, a good marketing company should be proud of their results. That means, they will have the confidence not to tie you into long contracts. Watch out for a company trying to tie you into a year long contract. If you hate working with them at month six, you need to know how to get out of it.

Question 3: Do we own everything you create for us?

Very important question to ask – we’ve known marketing companies be very, very difficult when it comes to handing things over should it go wrong. Make sure you own everything the company creates for you.

Question 4: Who will I be working with?

Make sure you have a named contact at the marketing company that you’ll be working with. Check what will happen if that person is on holiday, is off sick or leaves. You need to know and be reassured that everything will be done for you no matter what happens at the company.

Question 5: How do you define a qualified lead?

This question is particularly important if the marketing company is doing any sort of lead generation for you. Make sure this is defined so that you are both on the same page. You do not want to be attending meetings where the prospect didn’t even know you were coming!

Here’s how we’d answer these questions:

Question 1: Yes, in our world, we live by the sword and we die by the sword. Our process consistently and predictably generates between three and six qualified meetings a month. We’re really proud of our results and are happy for you to receive case studies, testimonials and speak to our clients.

Question 2: If it doesn’t work, stop working with us – all we ask for is a month’s notice.

Question 3: You certainly do. Anything that we create for you is your intellectual property.

Question 4: Our ops team is managed by our Ops Manager, Carolyn. They have access to account managers, telemarketers and data experts. We’ve set our team up so that if anyone is on holiday, sick or leaves, everyone else in the team knows exactly what’s happening so work continues as normal.

Question 5: We define a qualified lead as an appointment with the decision maker and budget holder, someone who has a need for your products and services and is interested in talking about them further.

Hopefully that’s answered these five questions, but if you have any more, let’s talk.

If you’d like to have a chat, simply call us on 01386 298 042 or click here to book a convenient time in our diary:

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