Blog: What’s Going On Weekly?

We’ll be sharing tips and tricks for making the most of our services, as well as stories from our team and customers. We hope you’ll check back often, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or ideas for future posts.

What’s Going On Weekly?

Every week, we have a 15 minute catch-up with you, either via Teams or via Zoom.

At these meetings, we go though your hot prospects, (prospects who we feel may turn into appointments), your watches (prospects who we’re watching because we feel there is something there) and your future prospects (people who have said not quite now, but possibly in the future).

We also talk about your upcoming meetings and of course, the meetings you’ve already had.

With these meetings, we want to know the feedback of how the meetings have gone and if there’s anything you’d like us to improve.

Ideally we want you to say these meetings were with the right decision maker, that there was something there and that you’re taking it to the next step – that for us tells us that we’re on the right track for you and that we can keep improving.

The more we communicate and work together, the better your campaign goes – and that’s why we have these 15 minute catch-ups.

If you’d like to have a chat about how we can get qualified appointments for you, that would be great.

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