On a Friday, we send you a weekly report that shows you where we are with your campaign.
There are five tabs:
Tab 1: Shows you all the appointments we’ve achieved for you so far and upcoming dates.
Tab 2: Shows you your hot prospects, (prospects who we feel may turn into appointments), your watches (prospects who we’re watching because we feel there is something there) and your future prospects (people who have said not quite now, but possibly in the future).
Tab 3: Shows you your weekly stats – how many calls have been made, how many LinkedIn connections and so on – and where you are compared to the average.
Tab 4: Shows you any key objections or intelligence we’ve been hearing from prospects.
Tab 5: And finally tab 5 shows you any meeting actions and whether they’re complete.
This report gives you a snapshot of exactly what’s happening every week so that you can see what’s happening with your campaign.
If you’d like to have a chat about how we can get qualified appointments for you, that would be great.