Blog: A day in the life of a telemarketer

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A day in the life of a telemarketer

I haven’t done a day in the life article for a while but sometimes I think they are useful for going behind the scenes and sharing with you what we get up to on a day to day basis here at ET.

Today, I want to tell you about Wendy, one of our telemarketers, and some of the clients she works with.

Wendy starts her day preparing to call for one of our clients, a training company. She gathers the script, calling sheet and follow-up email so she’s got everything in one place before she calls.

We always call as though we’re calling from our client’s business so she also opens the website and makes sure she’s got everything in front of her.

Wendy typically makes about 25 calls an hour so pretty soon, she’s into the swing of things for this client, having an interesting conversation with a few people who she makes a note to follow up with in a few days’ time.

After an hour or so, Wendy needs to switch hats. We’ve got a new client that she’s going to be calling for shortly so we need to prepare a script and follow-up email for them.

Although we use the word ‘script’, it’s really a guide. We don’t stick religiously to the script; we’d much rather have a conversation with people. The script is just there in case the person asks questions that we might not immediately know the answer to.

Once Wendy has drafted the script, she creates a follow-up email along the same lines and then it’s off for checking and then over to the client for approval.

After lunch, Wendy joins Mitch, one of our Account Managers in a monthly client meeting. We have monthly meetings with all our clients to keep things on track and make sure we’re moving in the right direction.

Wendy is able to give the client an update on how the calls are going and tell them what’s working and what she’d like to tweak slightly to get it working better. We also give our clients statistics as well as discussing strategies and techniques with them.

After the meeting, Wendy works on her next client who runs a consultancy company and she’s been getting some good appointments for him. The tricky bit for this one is that the contacts can be hard to get hold of so she’s having to use a combination of calling and email to reach them.

Before she starts, she opens this client’s email and finds a prospect in there that wants to book an appointment – great stuff. She confirms with the prospect and phones the client to tell him the good news. The appointment then gets added to our lead sheet with all the details so we can ask the client how it’s gone.

Wendy then starts making calls for this client, working the connections and following up on any of the ones that have been sent an email or need a call back.

She finishes the session by emailing out further information to some contacts so she can call them back in a few days.

It’s been a busy day for Wendy with a couple of appointments booked and several more to follow up with in the next couple of days.

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